Cohort 5
Mario Desmedt
Leadership & Management
Health systems
Complex Adaptive Systems
Nurse; Director of Nursing, Fondation Asile des Aveugles, Lausanne; President, Swiss Nurse Leaders Association, Switzerland
Swiss Nurse Leaders

leadership vision

As a Nurse, I sense the power, the natural harmony, and the rooted simplicity of human organizations. Today, my guess is that the smallest fractal of any organization exhibits the Japanese kanji symbol Hito (人). This ideogram means human being, and represents life emerging within the encounter of two interacting individuals. Inherently unpredictable and deeply uncertain, novel qualities and phenomena emerge from these interactions. Nursing leadership is positioning reciprocal action in the best condition “for nature to act upon it”.

about me

Mario Desmedt lives and breathes - for more than 20 years now - the frontline of care and health care development as a chief nurse officer (CNO) or chief executive nurse officer (CeNO) in regional, cantonal and university settings. He is proud to be a nurse. He is currently serving as the CNO of the Foundation Asile des Aveugles, a health care network - in Lausanne, Switzerland. As a longtime lecturer in Swiss universities, member of research -and experts groups on quality and safety of care, and with a doctor in nursing practice from Duke University (North Carolina, USA), he reveals his anima to contribute to bridge the gap between research and practice; to let nurses nurse, and to design work environments producing more care than they consume healthcare workers. He is the president of Swiss Nurse Leaders, the leading Swiss Association for leadership and management in nursing and health care.

more fellows

Adrian Jonas
NHS England
Adrian Jonas
Chief Analyst for the North West Region, NHS England, United Kingdom
Adam Doyle
Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups
Adam Doyle
Chief Executive Officer/National Director - System Development, NHS Sussex/NHS England, United Kingdom
Oliver Reich
SWICA Health Organisation
Oliver Reich
Director, santé24, Switzerland
Marc Augustin
Protestant University of Applied Sciences
Marc Augustin
Professor, Protestant University of Applied Sciences Bochum, Germany
Nicola von Lutterotti
Nicola von Lutterotti
President of the Board of Trustees, the Max-Planck Institute for Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg; Science Writer; Author, Germany
Kristina Norman
German Institute of Human Nutrition
Kristina Norman
Professor for Nutrition and Gerontology , German Institute for Human Nutrition (DIfE) and Department of Geriatrics, Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany
Thorsten Langer
University of Freiburg, Medical Center
Thorsten Langer
Professor, Director Social Pediatric Center, Children's Hospital Freiburg, Germany
Helen Crimlisk
Sheffield Health & Social Care NHS Foundation Tr
Helen Crimlisk
Consultant Psychiatrist and Deputy Medical Director, Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
Wiebke Loebker
Federal Institute of Drugs and Medical Product
Wiebke Loebker
Personal Assistant of the President; Federal Institute of Drugs and Medical Products; Head of Innovation Office, Change Management Staff Unit, Germany
Rachel Carey
Rachel Carey
Chief Missions and Science Officer, Zinc, United Kingdom
Dunja Nicca
University of Zürich
Dunja Nicca
Research Group Leader and Head, Advanced Practices Nurses (APN), Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI), University of Zurich, Switzerland
Ursula Bonhage
Stiftung Stöckenweid
Ursula Bonhage
CEO, Stiftung Stöckenweid
Anna Babette Stier
Federal Ministry of Health
Anna Babette Stier
Head of Directorate for Health Protection and Sustainability, Federal Ministry of Health, Germany
Alexander Schellinger
Techniker Krankenkasse
Alexander Schellinger
Head of Healthcare innovation, Die Techniker (TK), Germany
Timothy Taylor
NHSEI Midlands
Timothy Taylor
Associate Medical Director, NHSEI Midlands; Consultant Neuroradiologist, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, United Kingdom
Lorena Dini
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Lorena Dini
Senior Health Systems Researcher and Designer, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany

Meet the Partners

Sciana: The Health Leaders Network is a programme supported jointly by the Health Foundation (UK), Careum (CH) and the Bosch Health Campus (DE) in collaboration with Salzburg Global Seminar.